Friday, June 20, 2008

The Miracle Mile - The Future History

This is the final release from California's The Miracle Mile. Four original tracks of honest, sincere hardcore that the band became known for and a cover of Nirvana's "Territorial Pissings" that is pretty spot on and surely tickles my fancy. I do however feel that the version of "Pushing Play Is Not Enough" that is featured on this release isn't as good as the version on the Coastal Flooding 7" compilation in my opinion, but I do appreciate how raw this version is and it captures the essence of the band pretty well. The four original songs on this EP are very solid and each one can definitely stand on its own, but they all seem to be lacking in comparison to any of the songs released on their earlier work on "Where The Heart Is." While this 7" definitely gets me excited and miss the band, it doesn't seem to give me the chills that their prior release has done for me. I love this album and it is definitely worth picking up if you can indeed find a copy, but if you happen to be like me then you'll find yourself reaching out to pull "Where The Heart Is" off of your shelf before grabbing this to listen to. And for those of you who aren't aware, members can be found making music in Dangers and Final Fight.


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